While philanthropy is an integral part of African society, the study of philanthropy in Africa is only recently gaining traction. To help us understand the field better and generate new knowledge that allows us to strengthen its role and impact,Read more…
Free Downloadable Books and Bible Studies
Disciple Nations Alliance has various excellent free downloadable books and Bible studies dealing with stewards, community development, poverty, transformation and worldview. These resources include: Against all hope: Hope for Africa Servanthood: The calling of every Christian The Forest in theRead more…
Crossover Transformation 2015 Vision and Strategy
Crossover Transformation (www.crossovertransformation.co.za) has become a key partner of the Global Generosity Network with a similar vision for Biblical stewardship, generous living and Kingdom-focused giving and investment. Their vision and strategy for 2015 is attached. For more information contact PatrickRead more…
Giving Around the Globe: 2014 Edition
Giving Around the Globe presents regional profiles of giving by large companies based in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. It then shows where North American companies are engaging internationally, country by country. Some of the interesting findings are: AsiaRead more…
Africa’s wealthy give back: A perspective on philanthropic giving by wealthy Africans in sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa
Africa is booming but accelerating growth is accompanied by numerous challenges: poverty is still a daily reality for many, political instability and scandals, and the degradation of the environment continue to dominate the headlines. Therefore it comes as no surpriseRead more…
Missions Africa Trust Fund Ghana Consultation Press Release and Presentations
15 African Christian leaders met on 29 and 30 October 2014 at the Hephzibah Christian Centre near Accra, Ghana to discuss mission giving in Africa and develop a strategy to launch the Missions Africa Trust Fund (MATF) in 2015. 10Read more…
Nigeria’s ‘megachurches’: a hidden pillar of Africa’s top economy
(Reuters) – When a guesthouse belonging to one of Nigeria’s leading Christian pastors collapsed last month, killing 115 mostly South African pilgrims, attention focussed on the multimillion-dollar “megachurches” that form a huge, untaxed sector of Africa’s top economy. Hundreds ofRead more…
Global Generosity Network Newsletter: September 2014
Attached are the cover letter and articles that appeared in the September 2014 Global Generosity Network Newsletter. There is a reflection by Kehinde Ojo, Director for Indigenous Support Development of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students(IFES); the story of poorRead more…
Missions Africa Trust Fund Brochure
The Missions Africa Trust Fund is an African mission giving initiative. The attached brochure gives more information about this initiative.
Perspectives on mission giving in Africa
1. Introduction Mission giving is a very foreign concept in many African (Black) churches in South Africa. I think there are two main reasons for this: 1. Missions is a foreign concept: Till very recently in South Africa ‘missions’ has beenRead more…