Step-by-Step Checklist to Plan a Successful Capital Campaign

Step-by-Step Checklist to Plan a Successful Capital Campaign

Every successful capital campaign has several phases with specific strategies for each one.

If you go step-by-step through the correct sequence of each phase, you’ll set up your campaign so it’s most likely to reach (and even surpass) the goal.

Each step in these processes is essential. You can’t rush them. You can’t shortcut them. And you can’t skip over any of them.


In the illustration above, you can see the phases of your campaign. This post specifically highlights the two planning phases — the red boxes above. Think of it as a step by step checklist, laid out in the logical order that will lead you through both the pre-planning and planning phases.

Each item is linked to other posts that will give you more information on on that particular step, so you can learn more and in greater detail when you need it.

The Need for Separate Planning Phases

Capital campaigns are big, complex systems and a plan will be essential to keep you on track. You’ll use the process of developing your campaign plan to engage and draw closer the people who will help make it successful.

When you take your time to lay the groundwork early, you’ll…

  • build confidence
  • engage powerful people
  • develop a clear plan that others can help you execute

We’ve separated the planning phases into two parts, Pre-Planning and Planning(creating the plan).

Pre-Planning Phase: Early Exploration

Determine your campaign objectives — What do you want to raise money for?

Planning Phase: Creating the Capital Campaign Plan

Your Written Campaign Plan

In addition, you’ll need to create all of the elements of your written campaign plan.

Final Planning Phase steps