In Guatemala, one of the poorest countries in Latin America, 108 churches participated in the 40 DAYS OF GENEROSITY, thousands of generosity devotionals were distributed, over 10,000 Christians served the needy, media covered the story, and over $1 million dollars was raised to help the needy, church outreaches, and nonprofits.
INSIDE YOUR CHURCH: Would you like to have a proven way to teach and inspire your people to greater levels of generosity, giving, and serving others?
OUTSIDE YOUR CHURCH: Would you be open to partnering with Christians, churches, nonprofit ministries, foundations/funders, Christians in media, and businesses in your community (or country) to powerfully influence and impact the lives of the NEEDY PEOPLE with the LOVE OF CHRIST?
IF YES: Then consider being part of ”Loving Our Community – 40 Days of Generosity”
Look at the weblink and see how you can catalyse a 40 Days of Generosity movement in your community and country.