Legatum Prosperity Index

The Legatum Prosperity Index (www.prosperity.com/#!/) is an annual ranking, developed by the Legatum Institute, of 142 countries. The rankings is based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth and quality of life. The 2013 Index Report and 2 articles are attached. Some of the key findings include:

  • The US drops out of the top 20 in the economy sub-index;
  • 8 of the bottom 15 countries on the Personal Freedom sub-index are in the Middle East/North African region;
  • Norway tops the Index for the fifth consecutive year;
  • Mexico overtakes Brazil in the Economy sub-index;
  • Bangladesh overtakes India in overall Prosperity;
  • 9 of the top 10 countries on the Entrepreneurship & Opportunity sub-index are from Europe;
  • Latin America and the Caribbean rise above the world average in the Economy sub-index;
  • Personal Freedom is the sub-index in which sub-Sahara African countries rank highest;
  • The UK declines from 13th to 16th overall;
  • Botswana is the highest ranking Sub-Saharan country for the 5th consecutive year.

Where is your country in this Index? How can you improve its ranking?!