Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2013 is an annual forecast about the social economy in the US – private capital used for public good. It provides an overview of the current landscape, points to major trends, and directs attention to horizons where important breakthroughs in the coming year. The report explains the growing importance of the social economy in the US, the impact of information management in philanthropy, the growing importance of technology in expanding the social economy, the challenges of the US budget crisis to giving from within the US and how the younger generation will change the social economy in the future. An interesting comment is that Asian philanthropists will grow in prominence and visibility in 2013. Wealthy Asians will continue to fill the global ranks of emerging philanthropists. They will do so in their own ways, mostly staying outside the bounds of western efforts.
Christians need to take note of these changes. We are very often behind the trend instead of setting the trend.