As a woman in ministry I have experinced both joys and challenges. Challenges come for within and outside the church. I started my own ministry, PreachSista!, as a way for women to come together to share their faith and the stories of their joys and challenges. The gathering together to share in one another’s burdens and celebrations offers wonderful opportunity to encourgage one another. I know that I have been richly blessed by the stories of faith by my female mentors and I have found it helpful to share my challenges … so that the challenges do not leave me bitter and I can name and find healing for the wounds.
At present, I have three joys to share about being a woman in ministry. 1- my husband is a strong supporter of my work and prays with me that doors open for me to speak God’s truth (and my husband is not in ministry). This is a joy because I know all to well that not every woman in ministry can say this; and, truth be told, I have not always had this strong support of my husband. 2 – I am mentoring three college women. Together we work through the scripture and talk about what it means to be a young woman in Christ. and 3 – I am part of a church that values my giftedness and does not put limits on how I my serve because I am female.
This is my story. What’s yours?