Intimacy In Marriage

Husbands and wives begin their journey side by side.  They have a desire to remain together  for their lifetime.  The pressures of every day living will turn them away from each other in their own pursuits.  Husbands and wives mustRead more…

To Fight Or Not To Fight

A disagreement in marriage is going to happen.  Even though there may be conflict, there should be a way to have it out properly.  Meaning there should never be personal attacks and intense insults that will get the marriage noRead more…

For Better Or For What

Many people go into marriage with one eye on the exit door, and intend to stay together only if it works for them.  It seems that a painful divorce is inevitable because troubled times are sure to come. Commitment isRead more…

Knowing Your Child’s Learning Style

The following are the three styles in which children learn and comprehend, and that is the visual learner, auditory learner, and the kinesthetic learner. It’s important to determine how your child learns, so that you can better communicate and teachRead more…

Letting Children Express Anger

There are times when parents say thing to their children that is a little over the top.  Often children build up anger because they are not aloud to express some of their frustrations.  Children need to be aloud to expressRead more…

The Importance of Reading to Your Child

The importance of parents reading to their children goes a long way.  It has been tested and proven that a child who’s parents read to them will not only do better academically, but will create confidence in that child.  There’sRead more…

Churchill’s Legacy

Winston Churchill has an amazing legacy that speaks to: Never Give Up!

Writing to Your Congressman

With a representative form of government in this nation, it is important to reach out to our Representative.  Not everyone truly knows the process or they don’t feel that sending letters makes a difference.  Here are a few tips onRead more…

Safety in Learning

Students tend to admire the teacher that can control a class, but not  be mean or oppressive.  A strong teacher that can enforce the rules will enable children to feel safe thus allowing them to thrive in the classroom.

Natural Process

Preserving the marriage today is challenging with the odds against success of marriage.  Even with marriage failing in churches,  How are the odds to be overcome?