6 roadblocks to genuine partnership

We all know the theory of unity. Christ prays for his church  “that we may be one” so that the world may see that God sent Jesus into the world. Reference John 17. We know that unity is what PaulRead more…

The Rich Find Reassuring

I am sharing a document about Old and New Testament Teaching Which the Rich Find Reassuring of Paul Davies (All Nations – UK).  Paul and Wilma Davies were several years in Argentina and were de great help for missions movement Red Misiones Mundiales (COMIBAMRead more…

Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)

My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…

Catching the Wind of the Spirit

In 2004, Dr. Roger Parrott introduced a stimulating concept regarding a better paradigm from which to develop our missions obedience. He used the powerboat to describe our attempts to control the work of the church accordingto our own wisdom, skills,Read more…

Who says “No” to “Mission Trips”?

Here is a staggering statistic that I came across recently. Robert Wuthnow, the eminent sociologist of religion at Princeton University has estimated that up to 1.6 million American Christians take part in overseas “mission trips” each year, with churches spendingRead more…

What is partnership about?

Partnership is one of those words that has become so overused that we have to go back and check we all mean the same thing. A friend recently reminded me that as a linguist I love to dissect words and playRead more…

HIV/AIDS prevention and the Church (in Africa)

It is clear that HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest development challenges for Africa, if not for the world at large. And it should therefore also be one of the greatest concerns for the Church, because the pandemic does notRead more…

Radio Series:Intro to Lausanne Radio Conversation

With the “Down to Earth” radio series we want to stimulate discussion around the CT2010 themes on the continent of Africa. This introductory programmes provides background to the Lausanne Movement and the build up to “Cape Town 2010”, the ThirstRead more…

Strategy in context

In contemporary mission, there are some terms that have almost lost their meaning due to over use.  Partnership can mean anything from you paying for my plane ticket to 2 international agencies integrating their training services.  The term “strategic” isRead more…

Are You a Network Owner or a Network Steward?

Those who step into leadership of an inter-organizational network or partnership assume a high task. Whether serving on a network’s council or steering committee or its leadership team, whatever the terminology, these leaders are called to help God’s people workRead more…