Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Gospel and Cultures

Total Recall: Staying Faithful by Being Relevant By Krish Kandiah I had my eye on Arnold Schwarzenegger as I travelled by bus from Singapore to Thailand in the summer of 1994. At that time, instead of using standardised, mass-produced filmRead more…

Free E-book – Refreshing Preaching

I would love to see a global conversation about preaching taking place. Here in the UK we are seeing real interest in grappling with the growing biblical illiteracy in the church. We are running an initiative to see the wholeRead more…

Radio- Oral Communicators 2 – Lack of Bible Access

This is the second radio episode in the Down To Earth series on Oral Communicators. Thousands of languages are Bibleless. Even for hundreds of languages that have Bibles, most adults aren’t literate enough to read such a lengthy, complicated book.Read more…

La misión de todo el Pueblo de Dios

 «El poder del Señor estaba con ellos, y un gran número creyó y se convirtió al Señor» Hechos 11:21 Cada cristiano es llamado a participar y a ejercer el sacerdocio universal de los creyentes. La misión tiene lugar por doquiera.Read more…

Vanity and Commitment in Missions

The missionary task is not meant to be fulfilled in a single generation, hence it is not likely that it will happen in our generation. This simple truth triggers a number of issues related to goal, strategies, management, funding andRead more…

The Theological Impetus for Global Partnership

“. . . Is there more? Is there a deeper, essentially ontological, compellingly theological reason for engaging in global partnerships? Is there an inescapably Biblical demand that relegates all pragmatic motivations and hesitations concerning partnership to the dim background? . . .”  (readRead more…

Bible Engagement: a process

How can we eradicate Bible poverty? Bible engagement is a process that can be arrested at any step along the way. What do you think about the process outlined below? Do you have any feedback to these questions?  Are youRead more…

The Floating Communities

Before the creation of airplanes, there were boats and ships! Like planes, ships are evolutionary machines. They have gone from small boats to supper tankers, from fishing boats to cruise ships, from tug boats to container ships, from sail boatsRead more…