Dogma and Diversity – Introduction & Robert Calvert (Part 1)

Canadian Baptist leader Terry Smith introduces four speakers from the Netherlands, India, Sweden and Lebanon with different experiences and viewpoints on the Church and secularity. Rotterdam pastor Robert Calvert traces the rise of secular societies in the otherwise diverse countriesRead more…

How do you see Refugees?

There are many refugees in the world. By definition there are looking for a place where they can find a place of refuge – protection and provision. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Refuge for all those who need ofRead more…

Announcement: Global Diaspora Network Formed

  On October 20th, 2010 The (Lausanne) Global Diaspora Network Advisory Board was formed in place of the Lausanne Diasporas Leadership Team (LDLT).   Advisory Board: Mr. Henri Aoun, President, Life Agape Dr.  Dashzeveg Dashdendew, Executive Director, Mongolian United Bible Society Mr.Read more…

Diaspora Missiology: The Bottom Line

Diaspora – the word once strictly referred to the Jewish people dispersed throughout the globe and to the Jewish community residing outside Palestine/ Israel.  Today, we hear and read about the African Diaspora, Armenian Diaspora, Chinese Diaspora,  South Asian Diaspora,Read more…

Truth – Regional Focus – Asia

This video by IMB Global Communications outlines the challenges for and the growth of the Church in Asia. Download Options PC users: Right click a link and choose “Save as” to download file. Mac users: Command click and “Save linkRead more…

Truth – Global Issues – China – Doug Birdsall

The Church of China was not represented at Lausanne 1989. China is unable to attend Cape Town 2010. The Lausanne participants welcome their Chinese brothers and sisters even in their absence. Download Options PC users: Right click a link andRead more…

Bible Exposition: Drama “Letter”

Description: In this drama, a group of Ephesian Christians await Tychicus’ arrival with Paul’s letter to their church. Fearful that he has been arrested at a Roman checkpoint on his way, they rejoice upon his arrival and begin reading theRead more…

Bible Exposition: Ephesians 1

Sri Lankan Christian leader Ajith Fernando explains Ephesians 1. He shows how this chapter describes the full picture of salvation, its outworking, and its wonders that we are to declare. Download Options PC users: Right click a link and chooseRead more…