Winning is sweet and absolutely sweet while losing is bitter and absolutely bitter. Jesus came that we might win within and without. As you believe and receive Him with all your heart, He will put the grace for all roundRead more…
Do we need to change the training system?
Most lchurch & mission leaders are coming from a typical seminary training. I see the need to much more apply Paul’s model for training young men and women through learning by doing. Theoretical reflection needs to be learned – butRead more…
We can not do God’s work anyway, Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. Jr.48: 10, much less to prioritize other things in our livesRead more…
La transformación de miembros a ministros es un proceso
Silvestre es el adjetivo que describe a algo como criado naturalmente y sin cultivo. Esa es precisamente la idea que me viene a la mente cuando pienso en los millones de cristianos que conforman hoy la iglesia de Jesucristo. CalculoRead more…
The Global Conversation
How is God Stirring in your life? What does it mean to Live, Move, and Be in Christ? How does our faith result in action? Let’s keep the conversation going at
Praying for you as you all gather together to pray and deliberate and discern the will of God…
Strategic Network Knowledge Base
Full text mission resources available for free or for small annual donation on urban mission and a variety of other mission issues. A wealth of material to learn from!
Cape Town 2010: Local Leaders in the Global Church
As part of my preparation for attending Cape Town 2010 I’ve been reading the advance papers. The latest is Local Leaders in the Global Church by Paul Joshua Bhakiaraj. Below are a few highlights and then my comments. Paul challengesRead more…
Leadership works better when…..
Watching a recent UK TV series called ‘The Apprentice’, I saw a group of young and hopeful business leaders competing with each other for a top job. The leadership style was thrusting, egotistical, self-focused, combatant and therefore weak and ineffective.Read more…
A perspective on forming leaders
A perspective on forming leaders There are different perspectives of approaching the subject: “The qualities of a leader”. For a start of many series on the topic in this paper, I will assume a leader from the not common perspective. Read more…