Is mission something done by people from the West using Western resources, or is it someone that anyone can do who is a Christian whether or not they have contact with Western donors? I think this is an important question.Read more…
Faithful Bible Exposition
John Stott has espoused for many years what has become known as the Langham Logic ( It is based on three convictions that can be demonstrated from the Bible: God wants his church to grow up in maturity (not justRead more…
How to start a movement (for Ministry!)
’The first follower is what turns a lone nut into a leader’ ~ Derek Sivers (how to start a movement) Movements are critical to Christian ministry. Theologically we can trace this back to the central importance of relationship inRead more…
Culture Stress, Culture Shock and Adjustment
I’d like to include in my research project some of the discussions, opinions, and experiences of those of you who have had cross-cultural experience on the mission field. I’m particularly interented in your thoughts on the the following questions: DoRead more…
Becoming 3D Leaders
The prevailing philosophy of many pastoral leaders concerning leadership, at least those that I come in contact with in my short years of ministry, is a lopsided interest in a certain dimension resulting to a lack of balance with theRead more…
Elders! Elders! Elders!
Elders, Elders, Elders! Having lived for one year now in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, it is my straightforward observation that indigenous Christian churches here tend to be small, relatively feeble, and often lacking in strength of leadership. Pastors are typicallyRead more…
Am I a Christian leader in hiding?
I remember when I was a young pastor in the inner-city of London, being asked some difficult question about a passage in the Old Testament. As I looked at the eager face peering at me, full of hope that IRead more…
Greetings From India
Dear Beloved, I am Pastor Kalapala from India, please pray for my ministry my website:
A Platform For Kingdom Success
What doesn’t get mentioned much in Christian leadership, at least from my perspective as a North American involved in full-time missions in East Asia, is the essential quality of spiritual authority. So much is emphasized on the power and positionRead more…
A Platform For Kingdom Success
What doesn’t get mentioned much in Christian leadership, at least from my perspective as a North American involved in full-time missions in East Asia, is the essential quality of spiritual authority. So much is emphasized on the power and positionRead more…