Challenges are notorious for not being under our control. With this in mind, we should remember that all aspects of life, including our trials, are under God’s control. Lamentations 3:37-38, Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless theRead more…
Exposing False Teaching … Is it Divisive?
When a believer exposes false teaching, even in a biblically loving way, that person might still be considered unloving, hateful, or arrogant. Such an opinion is sometimes linked to the erroneous belief that exposing unbiblical teaching fosters disunity in theRead more…
Testimony – My Trials Can Help Others
Trials are a part of life and, often, these difficulties are approached solely from a personal perspective. For a believer in Christ, however, personal trials have the potential to benefit others in very specific ways.
Biblical Insights that are “Out of Sight” (part 3)
This article looks carefully at the biblical interaction and communication between believers and their church leaders. The focus of this study is Hebrews 13:17, a verse that seems self-explanatory. However, we are digging into God’s Word for hidden treasure, andRead more…
Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity
Here is information on a new book that we edited to support the work in international mission, humanitarian aid, and development. We are two consulting psychologists working in/from Geneva, Dr. Kelly and Dr. Michele O’Donnell. —————————–Global Member Care (volume 2):Read more…
Refuting False Teaching . . . for God’s Glory & Our Protection
When you deal with those who teach falsely, your goals must be to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31), to win back the person(s) teaching falsely (2 Timothy 2:24; James 5:19-20), and to protect and preserve the unity of the BodyRead more…
Do All for the Glory of God
God’s Word indicates that His purpose in this world is to disclose His glory (splendor, honor, worth). Beginning with creation and continuing with Hispersonal interaction with earth’s inhabitants, everything God has done, is doing, and will do is designed toRead more…
Truth on the Driving Range – Thanks to Jack Nicklaus
Even if you barely understand the game of golf, you probably realize that perfection is a golfer’s goal for every shot. Golfers at every level know, however, that only the best golfers in the world are able to make perfectRead more…
Orthodox Initiative – Lausanne Global Leadership Forum
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum in Bangalore, India in June 2013. Learn more at
Forgiveness – God’s Pattern for Your Practice
Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity and means “to cancel a debt” or “to set aside.” The awesome demonstration of God’s love—the sacrifice of Jesus—is the perfect example of forgiveness that sets the standard by which God’s children areRead more…