Christian literature still plays important role in mission work. I learned through one of ministries in Asia. This ministry team goes to remote islands for outreach. They hold meetings and show Gospel films. They feed children with hot meals. NewRead more…
“Let the Little Children Come to Me.”
This scripture means much more than ’permitting’ children to come to Jesus, much more than not denegrating them as too young. When Christ tells us to let the little children come to Him he is, in effect, telling us thatRead more…
Ethnic Diversity In Global Missions
What are some of the demands of the Kingdom of God in relation to Ethnic diversity? The following ingredients are needed: God is the one who established diversity. It is remarkable that God, the creator of the universe, enjoys diversity.Read more…
The Flying Community
I just arrived from a two week trip in the Arabian Peninsula – UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar. My journey started on February 22nd and culminated on March 7th. During this trip I went through six international airports fromRead more…
Orality And Storytelling – Matters Of The Heart
“Why story and storytelling?” Thomas Boomershine asked in his book Story Journey. “Story is a primary language of experience. Telling and listening to a story has the same structure as our experience,” he said. “The episodes of our lives takeRead more…
Introducing The Prosperity Gospel Debate
Since the 1980s, the Prosperity Gospel has become one of the doctrinal emphases of contemporary Christianity. Although it is found widely in some continents and countries, however, is often associated with leaders and preachers associated with the Pentecostal and CharismaticRead more…
A Platform For Kingdom Success
What doesn’t get mentioned much in Christian leadership, at least from my perspective as a North American involved in full-time missions in East Asia, is the essential quality of spiritual authority. So much is emphasized on the power and positionRead more…
Who Teaches Whom? God Works Through His Word
I was excited. I was testing the Joseph stories with my favorite testing group, ten of the most influential older women in the village. They loved the stories from creation to this point, and they seemed to understand the “mainRead more…
Resource Stewardship
It is not easy to start a new blog. Especially on a theme such as ‘Resource Stewardship’! And that for an important discussion such as the Lausanne Global Conversation! Perhaps it is good to start with a short introduction ofRead more…
Not A Passing Fad
Orality will be a factor in missions strategy for the next half a century. That’s the conclusion I draw from reading Reaching the Marginalised, the 2010 U. N. report on progress in the Education for All (EFA) campaign. The EFARead more…