Mission has been defined by Collins English Dictionary as a group of people sent by a religious body, especially a Christian Church, to a foreign country to do religious and social work. The defective part of this definition is thatRead more…
Wholistic Education in the Church
A paper that looks at education in the church and suggests the basic inadequacy of a “spiritualistic” education… one that ingores major aspects of the human condition. It provides suggested alternatives… but only in the broadest terms.
Wholistic Ministry and Matthew 6:33
A look at ministry, particularly wholistic, from the perspective of Matthew 6:33 and previous verses.
Poverty Unlocked Podcast
Explore God’s heart for the poor through Bible study, interviews and stories in this podcast.Read more…
Neighborhood Transformation Collaborative
This is the collaborative site for a neighborhood based development program called Neighborhood Transformation (aka CHE)Read more…