Disciple Nations Alliance has a treasure chest of papers, articles and videos on various aspects of community development, community transformation, worldview, the role of the church in community development, poverty, wealth and much more. Some of the resources are alsoRead more…
Free Downloadable Books and Bible Studies
Disciple Nations Alliance has various excellent free downloadable books and Bible studies dealing with stewards, community development, poverty, transformation and worldview. These resources include: Against all hope: Hope for Africa Servanthood: The calling of every Christian The Forest in theRead more…
The Forest in the Seed – A Biblical Perspective on Resources and Development
In The Forest in the Seed, Scott Allen and Darrow Miller set out to answer these questions: What resources do we need for truly Christian community development, and where do these resources come from? The transformation of impoverished communities requiresRead more…
High Net Worth Individuals Seeking to Drive Social Impact, Presenting Opportunities for Firms
In managing their wealth, many high net worth individuals (HNWIs) seek to achieve more than monetary returns. Making a positive impact on society through thoughtful investments of time, money, or expertise also ranks highly, and the numbers are overwhelming: drivingRead more…
2015 BNP Paribas Individual Philanthropy Index reveals that Philanthropy is growing worldwide
2015 BNP Paribas Individual Philanthropy Index reveals that Philanthropy is growing worldwide,increasing by 5 points on average in 2015. Out of the four regions, Europe is now almost level with the USA, with a strong increase in current and projected giving. Trends emergingRead more…
Generosity growing around the globe
The value of large charitable donations around the world increased significantly in 2013 compared to 2012, demonstrating that major philanthropy is thriving and growing. So finds the 2014 Coutts International Million Dollar Donors Report, for which the Indiana University LillyRead more…
Global Metro Monitor 2014
With only 20 percent of the population, the world’s 300 largest metropolitan economies accounted for nearly half of global output in 2014. The report compare growth patterns in the world’s 300 largest metro economies on two key economic indicators—annualized growthRead more…
My Impact – Fundamentals of Modern Philanthropy
My Impact – Fundamentals of Modern Philanthropy was launched in London at Impact Investing – Doing Well by Doing Good. It aims to advise family offices, HNWIs, asset managers and owners, NGOs and intermediaries on a number of key issuesRead more…
Is it time for God to press the reset button on the global economy?
Many questions are being asked about how sustainable the current global economic climate is. In fact it seems that even the so called economic experts have run out of ideas on how to tackle the issues that are at handRead more…
Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord but only Abel’s was accepted. Why did God reject Cain’s offering? This mini-movie looks at the principal of the firstfruit and why it’s central to our giving. This video could be usedRead more…