Lapham’s Quarterly intends to show that that history is the root of all education, scientific and literary as well as political and economic. The Summer 2015 edition of the publication is devoted to philanthropy. Some of the materials are alsoRead more…
Why We Must Tackle Inequality If We Are To Eradicate Extreme Poverty
This year, a series of key global summits will attempt to set out a bold agenda: to tackle global poverty in a way which will leave no-one behind; and to ensure we sustain the natural resources and stable climate on which we allRead more…
A Mismatch Between Need and Affluence
American communities with high standards of living often have low charitable giving rates, a new Chronicle analysis finds. Attached is the report while the website has excellent information.
A Giving Network Makes Weekly Grants to Encourage Worldwide Awesomeness
Foundations come in all shapes, sizes, and missions, and the grants process for many is often similar. The foundation requests proposals, applicants submit them, and the foundation announces winners a few months later. And with many funders, that process mayRead more…
CECP – Giving in Numbers 2015
After a short hiatus, we’re back with a new infographic, courtesy of CECP, a coalition of one hundred and fifty CEOs ”united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance,” and the Conference Board, a global business membershipRead more…
Infographics on Learning Circles, asset giving, agency funding and grassroots women’s movements
GrantCraft designed a few very good infographics that are attached including: 1) Sharing Knowledge & Growing Practice in Learning Circles – 2) Funder Approach: Give a Woman an Asset – 3) Why Fund Agency? - 4) Women’s Grassroots Movements -
Lessons for Leaders: Let it Go
I recently sold our home of 32 years. The garage and storage room was full of stuff we had set aside because we might “need it someday”. 30 years later, those indispensable filled the 8 yard dumpster I ordered. InterestingRead more…
“Net” Worth of Fishers of Men
We as Christians have tremendous financial resources. And that isn’t only true in the wealthier countries of the world. As you explore the global wealth managed by Christians as depicted in the attached infographic, consider how God would have usRead more…
Is God Opposed to Christians Making Lots of Money?
“Being Godly doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be wealthy. God makes no such guarantees in the Bible, so goodbye, prosperity gospel…[But] God clearly is not opposed to wealth in a kind of blanket way. He’s not even opposed,Read more…
How To Give Away $100 Million?
In my full-time role at Covenant Family Wealth Advisors ( I have been advising a Christian couple with respect to their financial and estate planning. They are in the process of discerning how to give away the bulk of theirRead more…