Bible Exposition: Video (Ephesians 2)

This video supports Biblical literacy. It tells a story from Africa about surviving war and violence and the impact of the Word of God on one person who was injured in war–the emphasis is on how the gospel brings reconciliation.Read more…

Bible Exposition: Video Ephesians 2

This video supports Biblical literacy. It tells a story from Africa about surviving war and violence and the impact of the Word of God on one person who was injured in war–the emphasis is on how the gospel brings reconciliation.Read more…

Bible Exposition: Video Ephesians 2

This video supports Biblical literacy. It tells a story from Africa about surviving war and violence and the impact of the Word of God on one person who was injured in war–the emphasis is on how the gospel brings reconciliation.Read more…

Bible Exposition: Video Ephesians 2

This video supports Biblical literacy. It tells a story from Africa about surviving war and violence and the impact of the Word of God on one person who was injured in war–the emphasis is on how the gospel brings reconciliation.Read more…

Southern Sudan Involvement as a Morality Issue

I was blessed to be able to spend 3 days in Southern Sudan in 2004 and hear the hope of our Christian sister and brothers for change. After the longest civil war in recent history, Sudan is facing another crisis…theRead more…

The Challenge of Grace and Reconciliation

I was away at the Provincial Synod of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa last week in Benoni.   I confess the synod proceedings didn’t excite me as much as the people I met and all of us gathered in worship fromRead more…

A Small Version of the Grand Narrative

A response to Ajith Fernando’s ’Embracing Suffering in Service’ Editor’s note: Shortly after Libby Little wrote this response to Ajith Fernando’s article on suffering, she received news that her husband had been brutally murdered while returning from a medical mission inRead more…

the PAIX Shirt

Watch. Children should never be soldiers. Help them be messengers of peace.Read more…


Obangatek means ’God is Great’ in Luo. In Northern Uganda, a vision was birthed to create an orphanage, school and hospital from the ground up. But working in this war torn society is more complex than simply providing aid.Read more…