With only 20 percent of the population, the world’s 300 largest metropolitan economies accounted for nearly half of global output in 2014. The report compare growth patterns in the world’s 300 largest metro economies on two key economic indicators—annualized growthRead more…
An Urban Perspective – Lausanne Global Leadership Forum
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum in Bangalore, India in June 2013. Learn more at www.lausanne.org.
International Church: Some Unique Features or a Case of Simple Semantics
The Missional International Church Network (MICN, http://micn.org) defines an “international church” as a church that “primarily serve[s] people of various nationalities (expatriates) and church backgrounds living outside their passport (home) countries”, and a “missional” church as one that is “shapedRead more…
Secularity: dogma meets diversity
Friends, again many thanks for all of your helpful feedback. I am concerned to avoid the impression of accepting the secularist assumptions but this is the world we live in – if I understand Charles Taylor rightly. I think his ”A Secular Age” isRead more…
Is People Group Thinking still relevant in today’s more-urban world?
Earlier this week, I had to leave a meeting early. After I left, I understand there was a discussion about the relevancy of unreached people group thinking. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to participate in the discussion. Here’s my chance toRead more…
Becoming An Outward-Looking Urban Church: A Case Study of Christ Church Kenilworth in Cape Town
The Parish of St John the Evangelist (St John’s, for short) in Cape Town has an interesting history and is an evangelical anomaly in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA). Christ Church in Kenilworth is one of the sixRead more…
Urban Poor Development Strategies
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Raineer Chu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Embracing God’s Global Urban Mission.” Responses to this paper through the LausanneRead more…
What is God’s Global Urban Mission
In the past, most mission work was done in rural areas. That made sense because most people lived in rural communities. But the biggest challenge is now in cities, and there we find the shortage of workers. Many missionaries areRead more…
Hope for the Christian Church Through Global Incarnational Partnerships
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Martine Audéoud and Rubin Pohor as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Hope for the Christian Church through Global Incarnational Partnerships.”Read more…
The Urban Ministry of Jesus and the Missio Dei
Dr. Sergio Lyra 1. Defining Our Terms Considering that the proper understanding of terms is essential to the understanding, we decided to offer a brief discussion about the meaning of mission, missiology and Missio Dei. It is true that aRead more…