Care of Creation and Eden Vigil, two Christian creation care organizations cohosted a Consultation on Environmental Missions in Manhattan KS July 12-16. A small group of environmental and missions leaders spent three days together hashing out issues toward establishing EnvironmentalRead more…
Who Do They Say That I Am? The Identity of Muslim Women and the Hope of the Gospel
You mustn’t give up hope. If walls are high, the sky is higher still. A U. N worker in Iran to female refugees preparing to go back to Afghanistan under Taliban rule. From the motion picture Kandhahar Read more…
Things we know that aren’t necessarily so: Part 2
This and subsequent blogs on the subject of “things we know that aren’t necessarily so” are written in the conviction that there is much we can yet learn about how to be effective in ministry. And sometimes what we needRead more…
Things we know that aren’t necessarily so: Part 1
I begin by stating the obvious: What we don’t yet know far exceeds what we already know. Put more bluntly, our ignorance far exceeds our knowledge. And not everything we “know” is actually true; i.e. the things we know aren’tRead more…
What’s Prayer Got to Do with It?
A friend just emailed me, “I ran across a video yesterday where someone asked John Piper, “Why do we need more people praying? Does more mean God is more likely to answer?” His response was that when more people pray,Read more…
Can you imagine no more “Missing Peoples”?
Imagine this scene. You are one of 4000 Christian leaders from 150 nations, seated in the impressive Palais de Beaulieu, in Lausanne, Switzerland. The setting is equally impressive, on the shores of Lake Leman, with the picturesque Jura mountains offRead more…
Role & Significance Of Translation Of The Bible
The role of translation of the Bible and the significance of this is particularly noticeable in the expansion of the church in African contexts