Mental disorders are a vastly overlooked area in considering our responsibilities and opportunities as the church. How do mental disorders affect those in Unreached People Groups–and other vulnerable groups? Let’s consider this quote first for some of the current andRead more…
Foreign vs National: Who is reaching the UPGs?
Who is doing most of the pioneer missions work on the mission field today – foreign missionaries or national missionaries? By pioneer missions work, I guess I will define it as making disciples among unreached people groups, so it isRead more…
Training in International Development
Life For the Nations (LFTN), also known as Luz Para Las Naciones, is working hand in hand with William Carey International University (WCIU), Promise Christian University (PCU) and various other universities. Our goal is to provide the right tools youRead more…
To Europe at any cost
…“Europe is the continent where we will have many opportunities to make a living and to support our families back home” is what I read again and again. Articles about the South Asian Diaspora in Europe are mentioning that theRead more…
Invisible Realities: Member Care at Lausanne 3?
The providence of God has led us all into a new world of opportunity, danger, and duty. World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, 1910 Your thoughts please–What are some of the ways that the international field of member care is part of Lausanne 3? HaveRead more…
How Many Unreached People Groups Are There?
How many unreached people groups are there? Well, we don’t know. Because of advancing technology we think we should be much further ahead in unreached people research. Unfortunately technology won’t help us much. We still need field researchers among unreachedRead more…
“Bhangra, Cows and Parmesan Cheese”- Glimpses from the South Asian Diaspora in Europe
Narinder Singh*(not his real name), a young Sikh takes a pair of shoes from another worshiper who has just arrived at the Gurdwara. A few steps behind him are several metal shelves full of shoes in all colors and sizes.Read more…
Scope and Challenge of South Asian Diaspora Ministries on Continental Europe
“Mind the gap! Mind the gap!” everybody who has used London’s underground trains have heard this announcement over and over again. It’s true the gaps are easily overlooked. When I look at the state of world mission in the 21stRead more…
Re-evaluating the Unreached People Group model: Where it’s lacking for this Generation
Less statistics and more transformation. I fear the way we focus our evaluation of success in missions primarily on the Quantitative model of Unreached People groups seems to be motivationaly deceiving and spiritually limited in scope. Do you really thinkRead more…
Christ, Creation Stewardship and Missions
This paper was presented at a Missions Forum at the Overseas Ministries Study Center in December 2009. Craig Sorley is Director of Care of Creation Kenya, sister organization of Care of Creation Inc. in the US, and committed to ’mobilizingRead more…