Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
One of Two Reasons are Behind Every Sin of a Believer
Spiritual ignorance (not knowing what to do) or willful disobedience (knowing what to do but not doing it) are behind every sin that a believer commits. Both of these hindrances to Christ-like development can be overcome as a believer commitsRead more…
Truth radio spot 3
Radio programme to use in advance of CT2010. #3 of a series.
Loving Yourself . . . What Does the Bible Say?
Loving yourself is not a 3rd commandment that is somehow hidden in Matthew 22:36-40. Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind and loving others as you already do love yourself are the TWO commandments on which all theRead more…
Who Do They Say That I Am? The Identity of Muslim Women and the Hope of the Gospel
You mustn’t give up hope. If walls are high, the sky is higher still. A U. N worker in Iran to female refugees preparing to go back to Afghanistan under Taliban rule. From the motion picture Kandhahar Read more…
Common Misconceptions about Forgiveness
Forgiveness is known but not readily understood, which is a profound disconnect. The numerous misconceptions about forgiveness create difficulty for believers and unbelievers with regard to relational well-being. Believers who have a faulty perception about forgiveness are hindered in theirRead more…
Illuminating the Gray Areas of Life
Gray areas of life and ministry can move to crystal clear clarity when three questions are answered.
Rest in a Restless Society – A Godly Counterpoint to Busyness and Burnout
I remember a few years ago we ran a youth camp over Easter. We had nearly all of our campers sign up for a workshop on “Burnout” run by a Christian social worker. There were other workshops but this issueRead more…
Speaking truth – scattering darkness
Part of the power of contemporary secularism is that it feels like a modern faith meta-narrative that provides an answer to all other faith perspectives. According to Paul’s devastating analysis, truth is the only remedy to futile thinking, darkened understandingRead more…
Words – The Thermometer of Your Heart
The REAL YOU is revealed by your words. The “mirror image” of speech and heart has great value in evaluating your own walk with Christ. A believer who fails to listen to personal “words” (which are heard) and “thoughts” (whichRead more…