“Without their singing, I don’t know how they would ever get married.” Sounds strange? Not to a person serving one group in Asia where their singing is a key component of communicating history, and traditions, as well as manyRead more…
The occidental missions (English & Spanish)
The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17 The roll the occidental missions willRead more…
Iberoamerican Church and the Missions Movement
A time for gratitude: A church that experiences the work of the Holy Spirit “And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.” (Acts 11:21). To begin with, we wantRead more…
Exposing False Teaching … Is it Divisive?
When a believer exposes false teaching, even in a biblically loving way, that person might still be considered unloving, hateful, or arrogant. Such an opinion is sometimes linked to the erroneous belief that exposing unbiblical teaching fosters disunity in theRead more…
Taking God’s Name in Vain by Careless Believers
Both unbelievers and believers can profane God’s Name. Undiscerning believers who lift up the Lord’s Name in vain sometimes do so by saying, “O My God” simply as an everyday response to emotional upheaval. Careless believers also take the Lord’sRead more…
Generosity Exercises
The excellent ‘Generosity Exercises’ book by Gary Hoag invites Christians to explore passages in three sections: (1) the Old Testament, (2) the Gospels, and (3) the rest of the New Testament, the world of the Early Church. This format helpsRead more…
Biblical Insights that are “Out of Sight” (Part 1)
Recognizing and appreciating the awesome work of Bible translators, this study spotlights some aspects of God’s truth that rest just below the surface of Bible reading. Even though “out of sight,” these insights are not “out of reach” for thoseRead more…
Surf’s Up
Biblical truth can be presented in a variety of ways. This piece is an example of the freshness and applicability of biblical truth when wrapped around life’s experiences. Sit back and enjoy . . .
Refuting False Teaching . . . for God’s Glory & Our Protection
When you deal with those who teach falsely, your goals must be to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31), to win back the person(s) teaching falsely (2 Timothy 2:24; James 5:19-20), and to protect and preserve the unity of the BodyRead more…
Do All for the Glory of God
God’s Word indicates that His purpose in this world is to disclose His glory (splendor, honor, worth). Beginning with creation and continuing with Hispersonal interaction with earth’s inhabitants, everything God has done, is doing, and will do is designed toRead more…