Jesus IS Lord

This article focuses on a three-word phrase that is central to the Christian faith. The phrase, JESUS IS LORD, has only one meaning but has innumerable applications. This phrase encompasses all of human history—past, present, and future—and reveals the infiniteRead more…

Joyful and Worry Free

When believers are at peace, they are free from anxiety and worry; and consistent prayer is integral to that result, as Philippians 4:6 indicates. The word for “anxiety” or “worry” in this verse means “to be stretched apart” or “toRead more…

Common Trials Have Three Predictable Victories

Trials are common and 3 predictable victories are inherent in each one. In order to embrace the sovereignly ordained victories resident, a believer’s definition of “victory” must align itself with the biblical perspective on each possible outcome of trials. TheseRead more…

The Three Victories in Trials

Deliverance, Development, or Death . . . the three victories resident in every trial. The typical definition of victory differs from God’s perspective on the subject. When believers in Christ understand God’s perspective and promise of victory in trials, theyRead more…

Trials…God’s Pathway for Growth and Grace

Growth and grace are realized through trials. When these benefits of trials are experienced (and not forgotten), then the unavoidable difficulties of life and faith will be embraced by ardent followers of Christ.

God is Faithful …. How could we forget that?

God’s faithfulness is the strong foundation ungirding our lives and endeavors that bring glory to Him. His faithfulness is the anchor that has held believers steady throughout history. Click on the URL below for a refreshing reminder of our faithfulRead more…

God Always Answers Prayers but Not As We Think

Believers have at least 8 biblical responses when prayer answers are not readily observable. This article lists these responses (with verse references). God’s three answers to prayer are “yes, no, or not now.” His answers to prayer are given to bring HimRead more…

God’s Purposes in His Children’s Trials

Trials are integral to life and missions. Recognizing God’s purposes in trials of life is basic to a growing disciple of Christ.