Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Nigel Cameron and John Wyatt as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Ethics, Emerging Technologies and the Human Future.” Responses toRead more…
Nanotechnology: Just engaging in small talk?
It is a commonly accepted fact that the very essence of technology is to make things that allow us to do more than we could without them. In many respects Christians should not fear technological progress as technology is notRead more…
Nanotechnology: Just engaging in small talk?
It is a commonly accepted fact that the very essence of technology is to make things that allow us to do more than we could without them. In many respects Christians should not fear technological progress as technology is notRead more…
New Scientist talks to Aubrey de Grey, Nick Bostrom and Anders Sandberg about how we could become immortal.
Who Has the Words of Eternal Life?
Danielle Egan over at the New Scientist writes about Transvision 2007 in her piece, ‘ Death Special: The plan for eternal life‘. Many of the transhumanist ‘regulars’ showed up for Transvision 2007, the ninth annual meeting of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) whichRead more…