A powerful step-by-step tool for training and resourcing the members of your church for reaching out to the various ethnic peoples of your cities and neighborhoods
Disablity Training of Trainers Seminar
A CHE based (Community Health EVangelism) Disablity Training of Trainers will be held in Brookeville, MD 20833 October 16-20, 2011. Topics include: What is Normal? /The Thelopgy of Suffering/ Valuing and serving people affected by disabilities/ Making the home andRead more…
Kingdom Life University
Kingdom Life University is available FREE to nationals in 3rd world countries. Our passion is to equip pastors for remote village churches. Jerry Brandt teaches through the word of God chapter by chapter, verse by verse. The greatest wisdom inRead more…
Table Group Leader Training
Wow! In 3 and a half hours this morning we covered all kinds of things: Worship Manuscript Bible study The role of being a Table Group Leader Cultural differences Program and logistics What’s interesting is that no speaker (apart fromRead more…
Restoring the Bible’s Missional Role in the Family
Scripture in MissionRestoring the Bible’s Missional Role in the Family by Paul C J Burgess, Bible FamiliesIntroduction:Recently retired from 24 years Seminary teaching in Pakistan, my wife and I have launched a fledgling fellowship called Bible Families to combat theRead more…
Secularity: dogma meets diversity
Friends, again many thanks for all of your helpful feedback. I am concerned to avoid the impression of accepting the secularist assumptions but this is the world we live in – if I understand Charles Taylor rightly. I think his ”A Secular Age” isRead more…
Diaspora Missiology
Diaspora Missiology Last week (September 22-23, 2010) I convened the North American Diaspora Educators Consultation in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dr. Enoch Wan, President of Evangelical Missiological Society, and Dr. Grant McClung, President of Missions Resource Group assisted me, a worldRead more…
What is Care and Counsel as Mission?
Author: Bradford M. Smith, Chair, Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group (LCCMIG) The Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group—the newest initiative within the Lausanne family of working and special interest groups is asking the question, “WhatRead more…
What kind of people do we need in M work?
What kind of people do we need in M work? Recently I had sent out a brief questionnaire in order to get feedback on recruiting and preparing the “right” kind of people for M ministries. Of the 240 people onRead more…
What is Care and Counsel as Mission?
Author: Bradford M. Smith, Chair, Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group (LCCMIG) The Lausanne Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group—the newest initiative within the Lausanne family of working and special interest groups is asking the question, “WhatRead more…