25 short question and answer videos produced by Brian Kluth in partnership with ECFA in Washington, USA and the Maclellan Foundation. Questions #1-#9 provides practical answers to commonly asked questions about charitable giving. Questions #10-#25 provides biblical insights and answersRead more…
The best kind of generosity is done with others, not for others
A brilliant animated video that explores generosity from the perspective of relationships. God’s generosity is relational – therefore our generosity needs to be the same. This perspective on generosity is indeed transformational as it changes both the giver and receiver.Read more…
Global Generosity Network May Newsletter
The Global Generosity Network Newsletter for May 2013 with featured articles on: 1) A reflection on Paul’s theology of generosity by Dr. Kar Yong Lim of the Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary) in Seremban, Malaysia; 2) A report on aRead more…