Being Rich Toward God: Biblical Overview of Giving

The impetus for giving is Christ’s love to us. With God’s glory in mind, there is no room for the “prosperity gospel” that focuses on “giving to get” for ourselves instead of giving to glorify God in order to advanceRead more…

Being Rich Toward God: Biblical Overview of Giving

Giving with God in mind instead of ourselves is a work of grace. The linked article refutes “giving to get” and illumines the truth of giving to specific recipients and needs that are emphasized in Scripture.

The Rich Find Reassuring

I am sharing a document about Old and New Testament Teaching Which the Rich Find Reassuring of Paul Davies (All Nations – UK).  Paul and Wilma Davies were several years in Argentina and were de great help for missions movement Red Misiones Mundiales (COMIBAMRead more…

Evaluating Faithfulness

I’d like to start a conversation around the theme of evaluating faithfulness.  The tension I’d like us to focus on (at least to start with) is the tension between the needs of donors and implementers in areas that require innovation. Read more…

Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)

My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…

Generosity coaches are necessary

Generosity coaches are necessary because giving is learned, not latent in donors Interesting that shortly after I posted a general affirming review of Kathy LeMay’s The Generosity Plan, especially with regard to its democratization of philanthropy, I would run across aRead more…

Why Give?

As I’ve talked to Christians all over the world about financial giving, one question has rarely come up. I often hear questions like “What should I give?” or “Where should I give it?” or “To whom, how much, or whenRead more…

The 5 letter taboo word in world mission …

There is a 5 letter word that is worse than a swear word for many Christians and many if not most people involved in world mission. It is the elephant in the room of many mission discussions although few willRead more…

Strategy in context

In contemporary mission, there are some terms that have almost lost their meaning due to over use.  Partnership can mean anything from you paying for my plane ticket to 2 international agencies integrating their training services.  The term “strategic” isRead more…

The occidental missions (English & Spanish)

The occidental missions and their roll in the third millennium  “Join with others in following my example,  brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” Php. 3:17  The roll the occidental missions willRead more…