My wife often complains that I read too much newspaper. I suppose that might be the case, but yesterday as I scanned the BBC News website, I was quite pleased that I have such an interest. As I tried toRead more…
The Deeper Problem
A Response to Scott Sabin’s ‘Whole Earth Evangelism’ While I don’t disagree with Scott Sabin’s thoughts, I am uncomfortable with “piling on more doom and gloom.” True, the average North American is disconnected from the environment, and that disconnect hasRead more…
Ecology, the New Opium of the People
A Response to Scott Sabin’s ‘Whole Earth Evangelism’ Scott Sabin rightly mentioned the heartbreaking situation of Haiti. In video images of the recent tragic earthquake, we saw a striking contrast between the denuded wilderness of the west side of theRead more…
Cold Water in Jesus’ Name
On a precarious slope, Etienne digs into the dusty soil with a small hoe, planting beans in hope of the rains. In recent years these rains have become unpredictable. Miles away, his wife is returning from the forest, a bundleRead more…
Kingdom Stewardship
As I was reading through this paper, the following verses in the Bible came to memory; i) Col.3:17 – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanksRead more…
The Three Friends and the Three Loves
The Three Friends and the three loves. LOVE, Blessings, and Greetings to you in the “Only name” worthy of All praises, glory and honor! The “Rabooni” I love the most, came with this word to me one nightRead more…
The Challenge Of Environmental Stewardship
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Las Newman and Ken Gnanakan as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “The Environmental Crisis, the Gospel and Christian Witness.” ResponsesRead more…
The Challenge Of Environmental Stewardship
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Las Newman and Ken Gnanakan as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “The Environmental Crisis, the Gospel and Christian Witness.” ResponsesRead more…
A recent newspaper article on a Prosperity Theology denomination’s announcement
Brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, I attached the following link of a recent article in the Guardian (July 21) concerning the announcement of a well-known Brazilian denomination to build a multi-million-dollar replica of Solomon’s temple in the cityRead more…
The Wealth of the Poor: Women and the Savings Movement in Africa
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Stephan Bauman, Wendy Wellman and Megan Laughlin as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively Responding throughRead more…