Striving for a goal is a worthy end in itself. By pursuing a dream, we push ourselves to do better and to be better. And even if we never realize that dream…
Putting Others First
What do you get for the child who has absolutely everything? Well, that’s a question Richard Crane dealt with every year on his son’s birthday. So one year, he just decided to ask him.
Doing What’s Right
Did you ever get the feeling that honesty and integrity are things of the past? I admit it does seem that way at times.
Simple Kindness
Simple acts of kindness cannot only change someone’s day, it can also change their perspective of life. Jesus taught us that it is a gift to give.
Dream Big Dreams
Let me ask you – what new idea has been buzzing around in your head for years, just waiting for the confidence to go for it. Maybe this is the time to set your dreams in motion.
Last Leaf on the Tree
Today I want to share a portion of a classic poem about old age written by Oliver Wendell Holmes. I think you’ll like it. It’s called “The Last Leaf On The Tree.”
Boys Town
The late Mother Teresa once said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” As you look back through history and see how some of society’s most significant contributions were brought about, you begin to understandRead more…
The Story behind Silent Night
It was on December 23, 1818, in the small Austrian village of Oberndorf, that Father Josef Mohr had begun preparing the music for the Christmas Eve service at his local church.
Communication in the Family
The year was 1991, and the Iraqi army had invaded the defenseless country of Kuwait. President George Bush demanded repeatedly that Sadaam Hussein withdraw his troops, but he refused to comply. So on January 17th a massive invasion was launched.Read more…
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
An increasingly common condition, fetal alcohol syndrome, causes the fetus to be damaged during gestation; this can produce devastating problems. Watch, as Dr. Dobson explains why it is so important to abide by the warnings of alcohol intake during pregnancy.