God is not a vending machineThe difference between a financial vs. a spiritual transactionBy Victor Castillo, [email protected]: To learn that tithes and offerings are an indicator, the disciple’s spiritual thermometer and an expression of worship that acknowledges God’s sovereignty overRead more…
Balance in a Man’s Life
The circus performer who walks the tightrope understands that one skill is needed more than any other, and it is balance. I remember watching the women’s marathon at the summer Olympics in 1984. One competitor still stands out in myRead more…
Man shall not live by bread alone.
In Matthew 4:4 our Lord made a simple statement which brings before us the imortance of the Scriptures in our lives as Christians. “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouthRead more…
Wholistic Spiritual Growth
A short essay on spiritual growth involving the mind, the heart, and the body.