Hygiene education and sanitation are critical to saving lives in Sierra Leone, which has the second highest infant mortality rate in the world. Living Water International works to create life saving heroes through health and hygiene programs at clinics andRead more…
Water Changes Everything
Almost a billion people live without clean drinking water. We call this the water crisis. It’s a crisis because it only starts with water — but water affects everything in life. Health. Education. Food security. And the lives of womenRead more…
Clean Water and the Gospel
Water and the Gospel Christian Identify in the Water Industry Of the more than 90 primarily US-based non-profit clean water organizations we have identified, more than 45 claim a Christian identity either by virtue of their Biblical motivation, publicRead more…
Seeds of Hope’s Blog
Check out our blog!Read more…
Seeds of Hope Facts Sheet
Learn what SHIP has accomplished since 2003. Learn what project areas we work in. Learn what our goals are for 2009!Read more…
Safer water, better health
Costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote healthRead more…
Grassroots Water Supply, Sanitation, & Hygiene
Simple guide to designing water supply, sanitation, and hygiene systems in a developing world context.Read more…