A Tribute to Chuck Colson

A tribute to Chuck Colson who stood strong for the Gospel and the sanctity of life. LinksRemembering Chuck Colson (http://www.joniandfriends.org/blog/remembering-chuck-colson/) More about Joni and Friends (http://www.joniandfriends.org)

Sanctity of Life Sunday

Joni shares how April’s doctors, rather than recognizing the sanctity of life, gave a stark prognosis for her recovery after she became quadriplegic. I got off the phone last week with Barbara, a very distressed mother.  Her 35-year-old daughter namedRead more…

Sanctity of Life and Disability

I recently attended a fundraiser in San Francisco for our Joni and Friends Family Retreats. Every year these camps are filled to capacity and scores of families with special needs are left on waiting lists.  I had no trouble pressingRead more…