The Cost of Forgiveness . . . We Can Only Imagine

As believers, we may think of what Jesus left to come and live among us – the grandeur of heaven, His majesty, the adoring angels, and, yet, while on earth He communicated with God the Father through prayer. We willRead more…

The Diaspora Dollar

There is a myth that diaspora people, migrant workers in particular, are poor and are a big burden to their host nations.  Nationals all too often view them as plunderers of resources, and usurpers of local-born labourers.  Contrary to thisRead more…

Forgiveness – Know the Basics from God’s Perspective

Forgiveness is, literally, at the heart of Christianity. Its meaning is not difficult tounderstand, but “to forgive” as a way of life is not something one does naturally. It is not based on feelings but, instead, involves a choice that is,Read more…

Adoniram Judson … Endurance Personified

The most striking aspect of the Judson-Burma story is suffering. From start to finish, his biography describes hardship. He, his family, and his co-workers lived lives of affliction almost unparalleled in modern mission history.

True Love is Not Based on Feelings

Friendships in families and ministry leadership tend to fragment when the glue holding them together is feeling-based “love.” This type of “love” takes little effort and requires almost no attention, since it is self-oriented and dependent on others for personalRead more…

Loving Yourself . . . What Does the Bible Say?

Loving yourself is not a 3rd commandment that is somehow hidden in Matthew 22:36-40. Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind and loving others as you already do love yourself are the TWO commandments on which all theRead more…

Where is Jesus?

Following a wonderful worship service at my church this morning, and a challenge from our pastor to stand up for righteousness in our society where boundaries are hazier, truth is a five-letter word, and the unbelievers’ voices are louder thanRead more…

Time & Money

Our two most easily quantifiable resources found in Matthew 25:40.Read more…