The value of large charitable donations around the world increased significantly in 2013 compared to 2012, demonstrating that major philanthropy is thriving and growing. So finds the 2014 Coutts International Million Dollar Donors Report, for which the Indiana University LillyRead more…
Million Dollars Donors Report
Gifts of at least $1-million from donors in the USA, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Russia, China and the Middle East totaled $26.3-billion in 2013, up more than a third from the previous year, according to the Million Dollar Donation ReportRead more…
Philanthropy in Russia: An Insider’s View
Charitable giving and philanthropy in Russia is slightly more than twenty years old. It all started in early 1990 with a number of newly established companies that gave to all sorts of issues on an ad hoc basis. A fewRead more…
Charity and philanthropy in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
I joined in on a webinar on charity and philanthropy in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS countries). Because of the interest and value to ministries and churches, I decided to post the powerpoints presented and resources mentionedRead more…
Making a World of Difference: How BRICS Diaspora Give
Populations of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) who live in the US are keen to contribute both to their countries of origin and to their adopted country. Many of them are also looking outward and wouldRead more…
MILLION DOLLAR DONORS REPORT 2013. Celebrating and inspiring philanthropy around the world.
This is a fascinating report looking at million dollar gifts to charities comparing donations from people in China, Hong Kong, the Middle East, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. According to the report, 1,955 wealthy individuals gave $19-billion inRead more…
Ministerial education in Russia and other Slavic countries of CIS: Lessons for the global church
This article is a part of the September 2013 issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis. Access other articles from this issue or download the full issue as a free PDF download Twenty years have passed since Russia entered a timeRead more…
Лозанское Движение (Лозанна) на Facebook
Группа Евразии на Facebook. Присоединяйтесь!
Ресурсы Лозаннского движения на русском языке (Lausanne Russian Resourсes)
Официальная группа переводчиков на Русский (Official Russian Translation Group): Лозаннская русско-америкнская группа на Facebook (Lausanne Russian-American Group on Facebook): Лозаннская русско-американская группа на Linked in (Lausanne Russian-American Group on LinkedIn): Лозаннская русско-американская группа в Социальной сети ЛозаннскогоRead more…
Обращение Линдси Брауна участникам Кейптаунского конгресса
Дорогие друзья! Желаю всем участникам конгресса Кейптаун 2010: Третьего Лозаннского конгресса «Проповедь Евангелия миру» Счастливого Рождества и Нового Года! Я надеюсь, вы с удовольствием вспоминаете то чудесное общение, которым мы наслаждались в Кейптауне в середине октября. Верю также, что выRead more…