The Global Generosity Network is organising a European Generosity Consultation in January 2016 in Spain. Attached is a leaflet and programme of the consultation. We are very pleased with the way the programme came together with workshops focused on different audiences including for churchRead more…
First-Ever: 50K PayItForward Cards Launches City-Wide 40 Days of Generosity
TITUSVILLE, Fla., Oct. 6, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — Everyone in America knows our cities need more love, kindness, and generosity. But no city in America has ever launched a #PayItForward movement for an entire community over 40 days. But thatRead more…
Craig Groeschel on intentional generosity
Craig Groeschel speaks to pastors about living intentionally generous lives.
Fighting Against Snapchat Disciples
School-aged boys in Jesus’s day (back in the old days) were known and even expected to memorize the entire Jewish Bible (the Tanakh or the Old Testament). If they wanted to be chosen to follow any of the leading Rabbis,Read more…
Free ePaper: Connecting God, the Gospel and Generosity
Here’s our contention. You cannot separate God from the gospel or from generosity. The three are distinctly woven together. It’s kind of like the connection between Shakespear, tragic plays and MacBeth. You almost never think of one without the otherRead more…
An intentional generosity plan
When our boys were younger, I wanted them to see how much we were giving to our church. I wanted to model cheerful generosity, and to demonstrate that this was normal and very intentional. If the truth be told, IRead more…
Major Donors Want to Give More Than NGOs Expect
Good news for major gift fundraisers: major donors feel (way) more engaged than NGOs think. Apart from giving money, major donors want to invest their time in, and share their network with, NGOs. Also, the group of (prospective) major donorsRead more…
Why This Data Nerd Isn’t Sold On Effective Altruism
The Effective Altruism cadre wants to tell you where to donate your money. They claim these recommendations are based on rationality, effectiveness, and efficiency and that any thinking person would agree with their rankings. It is easy to believe theyRead more…
A Post-#GivingTuesday Reflection
#GivingTuesday, a creation of the 92nd Street Y in New York City, is intended to bring together individuals, communities and organizations to celebrate generosity and giving. Now in its fourth year, #GivingTuesday takes place on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black FridayRead more…
How enterprising are social enterprises?
Social Enterprise UK’s State of Social Enterprise Report 2015 presents a pretty cheerful picture. According to the report, half of the UK’s social enterprises are making a profit (though this has dropped slightly since 2013 when it was 55 per cent) andRead more…