[This post can be viewed in original context here] The idea that mission should not just be a ministry of the church, one of its offered services, but actually a fundamental and foundational aspect of its whole life is atRead more…
Is God Bigger Than Your Village
Is God bigger than your village? In Tom Steffen’s book “Reconnecting God’s Story to Ministry,” he shares about the “blinders” that we can have when our worldview shapes our theology. “Worldviews influence the development of theological categories of convenience; theyRead more…
Truth in Human Context
Truth in a Human Context I am very excited about the upcoming Lausanne Capetown 2010 conference in South Africa. It is a key moment in the life of the 21st Century global church. You can follow Capetown on twitter atRead more…
An Apologetics Of Hope
A response to Mark Chan’s ‘Sowing Subversion in the Field of Relativism’ To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do notRead more…
Sowing Subversion In The Field Of Relativism
Globalization and migration have brought religious pluralism—something that Asians have lived with for millennia—to the West. Singaporean theologian Mark Chan mines his experience as an Asian believer to help Christians everywhere evangelize those who have been blinded by the fallaciesRead more…