FAQs Many of the microfinance web sites that we list in our Learn More section have helpful collections of Frequently Asked Questions. We have selected a few for you here, drawing from the websites of CGAP, World Relief, Opportunity Internationaland Hope International. WhatRead more…
A Fresh Approach To Witness – Panel
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Or, you may watch a specific part of the session by clicking one of the video segments shown in the playlistRead more…
What questions aren’t being asked?
We asked the Lausanne Facebook Community to share thoughts on questions that were not being asked in relation to global evangelism. Here was the input that came in: Lorena Alvarez Are we an example of a UNIFIED family that canRead more…
Witnessing: Part 3
Are there others skills that free us in personal witness? What are skills that will help believers gain greater freedom in witness? We need to learn how to ask good questions! Think about it. What were God’s primary ways ofRead more…
15 Provocations from the Future: A Worksheet
Only when we let God deeply question us can we become future-ready, fit for every good work. Here are 15 “provocations from the future” that I’ve begun to use with leaders. Mark the top 4 “provocations” that you feel willRead more…