An interesting look at the extent to which microfinance actually affects poverty.Read more…
stand up
1 billion people live on less than $1/day…what will you do about it?Read more…
CHE Powerpoint Presentation
A Powerpoint overview of the CHE Global NetworkRead more…
Urban CHE Overview: Neighborhood Transformation
This overview discusses the purpose of Neighborhood Transformation and includes sections on: “Poverty and Urban Transformation,” “The Approach to Transforming Neighborhoods in Poverty” and “Working Groups in Neighborhood Transformation.”Read more…
Moving From Charity to Community Development
This article outlines the heart of development–what it means to truly live in solidarity with those who are in need, to move from being a servant to being a friend.Read more…
CHE and the Challenge of the Streets
This document outlines the use of the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) method to combat issues affecting street children in urban areas.Read more…
The Village Apartments on the West Side
The Turner Foundation promotes holistic development on the West SideRead more…
A Social Solution, Without Going the Nonprofit…
A great article on using for-profit entities to do non-profit work and a great example of what it looks liked to be a socially-conscious entrepreneur.Read more…
Book Review: The White Man’s Burden
This book is a strong rebuttal of Jeffery Sach’s work, The End of Poverty. Easterly’s thesis is, over the last 60 years USAID’s, World Bank’s, etc., top-down method to eradicate poverty has been a total failure.Read more…
Book Review: The End of Poverty
Jeffrey Sachs was a professor of Economics at Harvard for 38 years and was a major consultant for many nations. He now heads the Earth Institute. His views on the causes of poverty are very different than what is normally thought or presented.Read more…