I am sharing a document about Old and New Testament Teaching Which the Rich Find Reassuring of Paul Davies (All Nations – UK). Paul and Wilma Davies were several years in Argentina and were de great help for missions movement Red Misiones Mundiales (COMIBAMRead more…
The Rich Find Reassuring
Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)
My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…
What Is God’s Global Urban Mission?
Editors’ Note: This is an advance paper for Cape Town 2010, written as an early draft of the content to be discussed at the evening plenary session on “Megacities,” and the afternoon multiplex session on “Embracing God’s Global Urban Mission.”Read more…
The Argument against Prosperity
But critics charge that the broad scope of the biblical witness precludes a prosperity interpretation. At least three sets of biblical arguments are marshaled against the prosperity message. First, Jesus himself advocated and embodied a lifestyle of simplicity, not prosperity.Read more…
The Prophetic Migrant
A response to Samuel Escobar’s ’Migration & Ethnic Conflict’ Samuel Escobar offers three challenges to the church in his essay on migration: the challenge to show compassion toward migrants, the need to take a prophetic stance against unjust treatment ofRead more…
The Wealth of Poverty
We normally place ‘wealth’ and ‘poverty’ on opposite ends of a continuum, but the title above seems to imply something different. Can the poor be rich? Initially, I do not want to imply some romanticized view of the poor thatRead more…
No personal holiness without social holiness
One of the great disconects in contemporary Christianity is the seperation between faith and life. One of my favorite quotes in this regard comes from Ed Silvoso who said: Preaching the Good News without love is like giving someone aRead more…
THE FLOOD: Then and Now
THE FLOOD, Then and Now Emmanuel M. Luna, Ph. D. Professor of Community Development University of the Philippines Let me start this conversation with an experience: September last year, my wife and I were in an airport hotel inRead more…
The 5 letter taboo word in world mission …
There is a 5 letter word that is worse than a swear word for many Christians and many if not most people involved in world mission. It is the elephant in the room of many mission discussions although few willRead more…