Many questions are being asked about how sustainable the current global economic climate is. In fact it seems that even the so called economic experts have run out of ideas on how to tackle the issues that are at handRead more…
3 Reasons to Stop Referring to ‘The Poor’
“Every single person on the face of the planet is created in God’s image. Everybody has the same heavenly Father. Everybody has capacity, talent, and ability. Everybody has responsibility. Everybody has stewardship responsibility. I don’t care what dirt hovel you’reRead more…
2014 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth
Nine in 10 wealthy Americans say they want to help close the income gap between the rich and the poor, according to the U.S. Trust study on wealth and worth. But only 39 percent say donating money to charities that provideRead more…
Transforming Scrooge – How do you shift the culture in a church from greed to a way of generosity?
During the last Christmas season I reacquainted myself with Charles Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge, one of the nastiest, mean-spirited old men in English literature. He’s found, of course, in A Christmas Carol(published 1843), Dickens’ short novel about a man addicted to moneyRead more…
Charitable Giving in the U.S. vs the UK
“The UK should not aspire to a U.S. model of philanthropy and tax incentives — it is not replicable and is a unique product of social, political and historical factors,” a report released by the UK-based Charities Aid Foundation back inRead more…
poverty and wealth.
The differnce betwen poverty and wealth is that those who do not have,trust,have faith and depends on God for all that they need. Honduras was poor bur not in spirit. they worshipped God in spirit and truth and that truthRead more…
Reclaiming Philanthropy: Wisdom from Africa’s Philanthropists
This week the African Philanthropy Forum was held from Feb. 24-25 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where well-established Western foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Mastercard Foundation – convened with some of the most influential African philanthropies – Chandaria Foundation, Mara Foundation, EquityRead more…
How Does Foreign Aid Work?
Does foreign aid work? Or, as some argue, does it do more harm than good? What about giving to ministries in poorer countries? There is a lot of debate about the issue of dependency. This ”visual explainer” engages with several prominent mythsRead more…
Ready Steady Go: How to start a church-based community project
This ebook, written by Matt Bird, outlines the key principles of starting a community project especially out of your church. Visit the mentioned website, fill in your details and you will receive a link to download this excellent FREE ebook.Read more…
TBN National Conference 2014 – 26 February 2014 in London
As a business or professional person, your skills can have an impact of the neediest areas of the world. By mentoring and training emerging entrepreneurs, helping establish a business or investing, you can bring transformation and combat poverty. This year’sRead more…