Phill Butler gives statistics that show the tremendous interest in Christianity through the Internet and mobile devices, with a focus on the Middle East. This opportunity comes with a need for partnership between ministries; without it, there are many difficulties.Read more…
A North African Story
Phill Butler, founder of Intercristo, Interdev and visionSynergy chronicles the formation of an effective ministry partnership working together to reach North Africa. Jose de Dios and Hein Van Wyk respond to what Mr. Butler has portrayed in these stories. ForRead more…
A Mongolian Story
Phill Butler, founder of Intercristo, Interdev and visionSynergy chronicles the formation of an effective ministry partnership working together to reach Mongolia. Jose de Dios and Hein Van Wyk respond to what Mr. Butler has portrayed in these stories. For more storiesRead more…
Full Online Copy of “Well Connected” Available
The full text of Phill Butler’s comprehensive Partnership “How-To” book, Well Connected, is now available online courtesy of Google Books. One Amazon reviewer writes, “A vital book on a vital subject – how to actually co-operate across organizational or denominationalRead more…