Last Friday, Brian Stiller of the World Evangelical Alliance rightly wrote that “Egypt is a bellwether for the Middle East. If Christians (12% of the population) walk away, the power and presence of Christian ideals will lose by default.” DespiteRead more…
Are there any Mosques Turning into Churches?
While participating in a panel discussion at Moody Church recently, Dr. Erwin Lutzer asked me a question a Muslim man had asked him. He was trying to highlight the plight of persecuted church in Muslim majority countries. The Muslim hadRead more…
Why the Fatherless? (Venn Diagram)
While thinking a lot on why focus on the orphan and the widow in particular, (with special reference to the work of my organization in Egypt) I went into Adobe Illustrator and drew a Venn Diagram that I think mightRead more…
Egypt: Government Aid or Brotherly Love?
This past year, the Hudson Institute released a report on global philanthropy. It indicated that in 2011, the Middle East remains near the top of US Government funding priorities, but at the bottom in US individual giving priorities. Evangelicals, ofRead more…