Tracking Diaspora On Unreached Peoples Now Possible

There is now an easy on-line way to document the diasporas of specific people groups.  See the article “Tracking Diaspora On Unreached Peoples Now Possible” at: See a real example utilizing this tracking capability for a people group ofRead more…

Diaspora Ministry & Research

We’ve all seen the impressive maps contrasting the breakdown of the “nations” of the world as politically defined versus the multiplied number of “nations” as understood biblically and missiologically.  If we were to add the dimension of the diaspora ofRead more…

Diaspora Ministry Facilitator Role

I would like to suggest that in some cases a very strategic role can be that of a ministry facilitator for the overall diaspora of a particular people group.  This role could include: Researching and documenting the different locations ResearchingRead more…

People At Work: Preparing To Be The Whole Church

  Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Willy Kotiuga as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Preparing Your Marketplace for a Faith Journey.” Responses to this paperRead more…