As a fund raiser I’m always concerned as to how effective I am as a fund raiser. Now is the time when you and I can take a look at three of those concerns. Why do some raising funds haveRead more…
The Christian Communicator: Insights from 2 Corinthians 4-5.
These reflections were shared as Bible messages at the Lausanne Regional Consultation on Media and the Gospel, Nov. 2012 by Bjørn Hinderaker, Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication. Four short reflections on 2 Corinthians chapters 4 and 5 from the perspective ofRead more…
What can St Paul teach us about evangelism to Muslims?
Christians and Muslims agree… on the reality of God, revelation, scripture, angels and judgment. But they also disagree; about Christ’s identity, death and resurrection and the authority of the Bible. Given these similarities and differences, what evangelistic approach should weRead more…
When Paul Preached the Gospel
The attached PDF is a handout which features three of Paul’s evangelistic sermons printed side-by-side. We use this handout in training events especially for new church planters to teach them about the importance of understanding their mission fields and pursuingRead more…
Making the Case for the Truth of Christ: Exploring a Biblical Model
The major theme for the opening day of the Cape Town Congress 2010 is “making the case for the truth of Christ in a pluralistic, globalized world”. In order to encourage and equip each other for that key task, weRead more…
The New Constitution as a Thorn in the Flesh for Christ’s Church in Kenya: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
The New Constitution as a Thorn in the Flesh for Christ’s Church in Kenya: (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) 1.0 Introduction After the general Elections in Kenya in 2007: shortly after the announcement of the results the country ran into chaos, theRead more…
A personal charge from 2 Timothy
Does your life make a difference? What can we learn about being on Mission with God from the second letter to Timothy? Starting with verse three Paul declared that he never ceased to pray for his close associates & friends. Read more…
Scripture as the Product of Mission
There has been a fair bit written on the issue of reading a Bible through the lens of mission. My blogging colleagues Brian and Tim are particularly active in this field (Brian has just published an excellent essay on theRead more…
The Argument against Prosperity
But critics charge that the broad scope of the biblical witness precludes a prosperity interpretation. At least three sets of biblical arguments are marshaled against the prosperity message. First, Jesus himself advocated and embodied a lifestyle of simplicity, not prosperity.Read more…
Paul and Denominations
Suppose Paul arrived on a university campus today, and began to hold discussions with students? What would he have to say about our various denominations?Read more…