Those who step into leadership of an inter-organizational network or partnership assume a high task. Whether serving on a network’s council or steering committee or its leadership team, whatever the terminology, these leaders are called to help God’s people workRead more…
Partnerships: Scarcity-minded or Abundance-minded?
I am quite drawn to this “Scarcity vs. Abundance Management” chart, which I’ve replicated from a recent Wired Magazine article, on how people environments work differently when they perceive themselves to be working in Scarcity as opposed to Abundance. Read more…
A Partnership of Two is Inherently Unstable
These posts are meant to spark conversation and community reflection here on the Cape Town 2010 Global Conversation page. I welcome readers’ responses – and so allow me to come out straight away to my point. I believe that partnershipsRead more…
Are You a Network Owner or a Network Steward?
Those who step into leadership of an inter-organizational network or partnership assume a high task. Whether serving on a network’s council or steering committee or its leadership team, whatever the terminology, these leaders are called to help God’s people workRead more…
How Strong is Your Network?
Discovering the Strengths of Your Network by Kevin Boer Do you know your network’s strengths? Networks, like people, develop their own personality and strengths. A network’s strengths are the qualities that help your network live out the unique vision God has givenRead more…
The Diaspora Dollar
There is a myth that diaspora people, migrant workers in particular, are poor and are a big burden to their host nations. Nationals all too often view them as plunderers of resources, and usurpers of local-born labourers. Contrary to thisRead more…
The Diaspora Dollar: A response
To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…
The Diaspora Dollar: A response
To facilitate a truly global conversation, we ask Christian leaders from around the world to respond to the Global Conversation’s lead articles. These points of view do not necessarily represent the Lausanne Movement. They are designed to stimulate discussion fromRead more…
Networks benefit by bringing together practitioners from a variety of approaches
Networks, partnerships and alliances are strengthened when they welcome practitioners from a variety of approaches widely associated with the general thrust or aim of the network. The interchange between those using different approaches can be quite stimulating and helps keepRead more…
What Is God’s Global Urban Mission?
Editors’ Note: This is an advance paper for Cape Town 2010, written as an early draft of the content to be discussed at the evening plenary session on “Megacities,” and the afternoon multiplex session on “Embracing God’s Global Urban Mission.”Read more…