God has called me to support as many ministries who will open there door to come and minister in song before you speak, teach, help, build what ever it is your ministry does, song can be a great part toRead more…
Let me lead in song
God has called me to support as many ministries who will open there door to come and minister in song before you speak, teach, help, build what ever it is your ministry does, song can be a great part toRead more…
Let me lead in song
God has called me to support as many ministries who will open there door to come and minister in song before you speak, teach, help, build what ever it is your ministry does, song can be a great part toRead more…
Suryadayadekhi – Song
Namaskar! The is a slightly modified version of the Nepali Song “Suryadayadekhi” taken from the Dharmashastra, Malaki 1:11. I am an American so my Nepali is not perfect. Still, I hope you will enjoy this bhajan of worship to Prabhu SriRead more…
Sat Guru Yeshu Namo Namah – Song
This Sanskrit bhajan is great for meditation upon the person and work of God’s unique son, Prabhu Sri Yeshu. Lyrics follow: Romanized Sanskrit:Jeevanadata Yeshuji, namana karu main sat sat baarMuktipradata Yeshuji, namana karu main sat sat baarShantipradata Yeshuji, namana karuRead more…
Effectivement nous sommes dans un monde où chacun dit que la vérité correspond à ce qu’il croit, ce qu’il pense, ce qu’il conçoit personnellement. Personne ne veut se laisser convaincre par une soit-disante vérité qui émanerait d’un être dit suprême.Read more…
Pt. 4 (of 3): a story of how the Great Misconception can even cost lives
Do you know of other stories like this? Feel free to post your comment here (not at the bibliolore site please).
Part 3 of 3: The Great Misconception
The Local Implication What are the ethnodoxological principles that apply to both the pew and the mission field? I propose that we start with these: – Music is not a universal language—our responses to music are learned, not intrinsic. –Read more…
A Great Misconception-Music the Universal Language – Part 2 of 3
[continued from Part 1] We Went, We Sang, We Conquered… During the 19th and 20th centuries, as Western and European Christians went out around the world, they were influenced by the prevalent philosophies of their home cultures, such as culturalRead more…
Using music in evangelism
I have attached a link to a podcast I did about using music in evangelism. This is in a student context but could apply to other groups too.