Passion for the Lost
OUT OF THE DESERT Into the life God fully intended By Luis Palau Excerpt // Chapter 7 “Passion for the Lost” Permission granted for this excerpt from OUT OF THE DESERT…INTO THE LIFE GOD FULLY INTENDED. Do notRead more…
Evangelism, Integral Mission and Creation Care
This is an INTEREST GROUP PRESENTATION ABSTRACT; the paper will be presented at the Jamaica Consultation on Creation Care and the Gospel in October, 2012. Comments are welcomed! View all abstracts. ————————- Evangelism, Integral Mission and Creation Care: A biblicalRead more…
Are not We Accountable to God and to Men?
God’s Saints, I serve the Lord Jesus in India, where 120 billion and more live. How ever only 5-6% are christians of all kind, and we as Christians have lot of responsibilities in taking the Gospel to the perishing Souls.Read more…
Ed Stetzer on the Rise of the ‘Nones’
The Rise of the Nones: Some Reflections on the New Pew Forum Data Posted: 09 Oct 2012 04:58 PM PDT Today, the Pew Forum released, and USAToday’s ever-vigilant Cathy Grossman reported on,another study that I think is helpful for us to understandRead more…
Finish the Mission: To Our Neighbors and the Nations (part one) Finish the Mission: To Our Neighbors and the Nations (part one) My friends David Mathis and John Piper have just released Finish the Mission, a new book which is a product of the 2011 Desiring God National Conference.Read more…
The Enormous Potential of the Orality Movement
ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA Visit our web site at: – E-mail: [email protected] Saturday, September 29, 2012 Orality: Changing the Face of Missions around the WorldTimeless Principles for Making Disciples Anywhere, with any People By JerryRead more…
Mission News
Mission News from the Bible Society Australia
Denver 2012 Leadership Consultation ~ Update
Your Voice Matters!
Effective Partnerships: Understanding the Needs, Hopes, and Goals
Dr. Douglas Carew, President of Africa International University, provides remarks on the topic of “Effective Partnerships: Understanding the Needs, Hopes, and Goals” during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education held at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.