Some of the common myths related to Christian donors are actually quite true, while others are less factual. This very interesting research by Grey Matter on US Christian donors shows that about the only common myth about Christian donors that proveRead more…
Foundation Stats
This is a fascinating information hub on US foundation giving in 2011. The link to foundations that give to religious organisations is at the information on the top 50 foundations and top 50 recipients.
All reports indicate that religious organisations are not using technology as effectively as secular charities and non-profits., the online fundraising website of Stewardship in the UK is a platform that can increase the amount Christians give to ministries andRead more…
Empowering Biblical Stewardship in India DVD
The South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies takes immense pleasure in announcing the launch of the training in National Resource Mobilization that was held during September and October 2013 in DVD format. 6 hours of training on BiblicalRead more…
9 God-honoring Principles of a Fundraising Ministry
In the Global Generosity Network we started talking about faciliating ’Kingdom-appropriate fund development’ as one of our key objectives and engagement areas. In the attached blog that appeared on the Christian Leadership Alliance website, Wesley Willmer give guidelines for suchRead more…
Empowering Biblical Stewardship in India – 21/22 October 2013
Biblical fundraising has developed a professional outlook that requires essential skills and practice of kingdom values that must be integrated in Christian ministry. After a very successful two day basic training in Empowering Biblical Stewardship in India in September 2013, the South AsiaRead more…
Generous Church Magazine May 2013 Issue
The May issue of a new magazine focusing on generosity and giving especially for churches. There are very interesting stories about Christian givers, events, ministries and much more.
Four day ministry fundraising training
An outline of a ministry fundraising course provided by Rob Martin and Barbara Shantz.
Generosity Resources List
The Generosity Resources List provides information on various kinds of generosity resources available to encourage Christian stewardship, generosity and giving. Please send Sas Conradie information on other resources. His e-mail address is [email protected].
The Where Coalition
Virgil Dugan challenges churches, ministries and generosity ministries to think about the where of giving. Churches that have developed, adopted and committed to a specific Great Commission Vision/Mission/Values have the most compelling incentive to experience a transformation of generous giving. Great CommissionRead more…