This is a very interesting blog on leadership skills in the social sector. Since social engagement is an integrated part of the life of a spiritual leader, it is important to Christian leaders as well. A social sector leader needs toRead more…
TMP Mentoring Toolkit
The TMP Toolkit gives Churches and Organizations around the world the opportunity to begin and build a sustainable mentoring community that will help rewrite the fatherless story. It provides the resources necessary to: 1. Find the area of ministry toRead more…
Comment aider de jeunes évangélistes à reconnaitre la volonté de Dieu ?
Bonjour, Je me rends compte que pour des jeunes évangélistes la question de la compréhension de la volonté de Dieu est une question primordiale ; quels dons le Seigneur m’a-t-il confié ? Quel ministère à l’avenir ? Le choix duRead more…
We Have a Problem- But there is Hope
This paper highlighted a number of challenges in developing a Christ-centred leadership. It challenges especially those in position of leadership to mentor future leaders. Poor leadership can be attributed to a number of factors including didactic teaching style in mostRead more…
Question: Have you trained your replacement yet?
Leaders generally seem to feel confident in their leadership abilities when they see subordinates carrying out their instructions without error or backlash. However, I see an important element missing in that assessment. To me, leaders are only true leaders onceRead more…
A Good Leader
Colossians 1, gives us 7 characteristics of a spiritual leader.God has blessed me with mentors in my Christian walk. Through their example I have learned the importance of having a good leader to help as you grow in life & ministry.Read more…
Leadership Perils and Insights
Perils, Pitfalls, Joys of being a leader, insights for leading todays Christian organization.Read more…